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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

Seeing performances like Trump's follow up speech after his conviction suggest that he's the person for whom the debates are a serious risk. 

Biden will stutter at times and probably mix up a name or two. But there's a good chance Trump will spend a great deal of the debates on incoherent tangents, sounding like someone's drunk crazy uncle. 

Still won't cost him the base. But there have to be a few undecideds who hadn't been paying attention to Trump and will be finding out for the first time how addled he sounds. 

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

Mr Terp, please note that our e-Safety Commissioner dropped the case. Technically, not a win just a cessation of negotiations/hostilities. Also, the role is about much, much more than ‘censorship’: we take privacy very seriously, stalking, cyber security etc.

As a result of the X ‘revelations’ an innocent young man was labelled a killer by a media outlet, and that spread nationally & internationally within an hour. Do you know the work he has to do to clear his name? Let alone get a job when his studies end in December??

Further, some people learnt family members were injured or killed before formal notification. That’s not how we do things here; we limit gossip, tale-spreading, sticky raking and idle speculation. We use media blackouts for good reason, and to good effect. 

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Discussion: 34 Felony Convictions! Prosecutors bat 1000

One thing that gets lost when calling Trump's crime a "hush money" case is the larger picture. He was covering up a conspiracy not only to spike negative stories about himself, but to use a national publication to libel his GOP primary rivals. I certainly have no positive feelings for the likes of Ted Cruz. But if a conspiracy to libel opponents isn't corrupting an election what is?

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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Just got QB. No crazy words.

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Discussion: 34 Felony Convictions! Prosecutors bat 1000

Morganna said:

Maybe my verbal messaging was off.

It wasn’t. And it never has been.

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Discussion: 34 Felony Convictions! Prosecutors bat 1000

terp said:

I still think we should strive to maximize liberty.  I think its more how you get there that's changed.  My instinct is to be nice and do everything peacefully.  I do not think that is tenable.  Look how the entrenched institutions attack someone they can't control.  He didn't even detail anything in any real way, but he said a lot of things they did not like.  

So, I think you need to get control and tear down these institutions.   It sill probably take force or at least the threat of force to get this right.  This means the long march to the left this country has been on has to reverse.  We need a hard right movement to dismantle many of these entrenched powers that have been infringing more and more on our freedoms.  

I think that is in the cards anyway.  There was a time that scared me.  Now I think its a necessary evil.

Chilling response

Force is not the answer.

Given that you consider this a viable option, I will not be engaging with you from this point on.

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

terp said:

Who gets to decide what is BS?

So you don't think threatening harm to the families of judicial workers is an unusual and unkind means of getting one's way?  Try to think about this for a while before responding or defending people I'm not even mentioning specifically. 

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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

nan said:

It was a good name and I said that.  

You are practicing character assassinations here instead of providing actual examples.  Naeim's background is important because she has a brother who until yesterday was working in the Ukraine government.  That raises a red flag, in addition to what she is saying which ignores much history, facts and genuine issues.  

I had two major issues with the article.  I have not seen you debate either.  Instead you are doing what you did with the last article you posted which was so bad even you could not defend it.  

we often point out where your sources state things that are clearly incorrect, or where they are outright lying and clearly trying to deceive.

For some reason, those things don't seem to raise any red flags with you.

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

Smedley said:

Man, even Biden stalwarts nohero and drummerboy have little or nothing to say about the election these days. Seems indicative of the malaise of the Democratic party?

what's there to say, other than polls are showing a shift to Biden, as predicted, as we get closer to the election and the undecideds slowly get their heads out of their ****.

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